Member Benefits

There are three categories of membership in NJASBO.


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Active Membership

The Active membership is for people currently employed in a school district in New Jersey. The Chief Financial Officer must join as an Active member. All other titles have a choice of Active membership or Associate Education membership. 


The Associate Education membership is for people other than the Chief Financial Officer employed in a NJ district. 


The Associate Business membership is for any company that does business with school districts in New Jersey. Associate Business Members in NJASBO are dedicated to improving the profession of school business administration. More than 275 individuals and firms cooperate with school districts within the state, various educational associations, governmental organizations, and instrumentalities to make a difference in the industry.

Member Benefits Include

  • CAREER VACANCIES - A current and comprehensive statewide listing of career opportunities in all fields of school business management and other related areas.
  • COMMITTEES - The opportunity to benefit the profession by joining an Association committee. Our committees are a valuable resource on a variety of issues and topics.
  • CONSULTANT SERVICES (Active Members Only) Information is available on an individual basis on pensions, disability, health benefits, retirement, tax laws and a variety of other areas.
  • INSURANCE PROGRAMS (Active Members Only) - Protection that provides up to $10,000/20,000 through Term Life/Personal Accident coverage. (Call NJASBO at 609-689-3870 to request a beneficiary form)
  • LEGAL ASSISTANCE (Active Members Only)In accordance with the association legal assistance policy, legal services are limited to personal job related incidences such as changes in terms and conditions of employment, reduction in salary, tenure and termination. The Association provides three attorneys to aid the membership. Contractual reviews are also part of these services.
  • LEGISLATION - An important aspect of our services since legislation continually affects our profession. Bills are developed or reacted to in accordance with our legislative goals and communicated to all appropriate parties.
  • MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY - All members are listed alphabetically by district or business category. Other pertinent information pertaining to NJASBO is also included. The directory is available on our website.
  • KEYPOST NEWSLETTER - Our Association newsletter is published periodically. We encourage all members to submit articles and share their knowledge and expertise with fellow colleagues.
  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS - An excellent way to update or enhance your knowledge and skills is by attending one of the most comprehensive offerings of topics held at a variety of locations throughout the state. A Professional Registration Program is also available and we encourage you to apply.
  • RESOURCES - Bid documents, specifications, procedure manuals, etc., are available for our members at no cost.
  • NETWORKING - NJASBO provides all members the opportunity to connect with each other to exchange professional ideas and opinions on any number of topics. We simply call it “assistance.”

Membership term

Yearly membership term is from July 1st to June 30th.

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If you need further assistance email Lisa Dekovitch or call 609-689-3870.

4 AAA Drive Suite 101,
Robbinsville New Jersey 08691
P: (609) 689-3870 F: (609) 689-3167